Workshops and Lectures
in combination with watching the performance "Herbert"

photo Rainer Deutschmann
goal of the educational activities
The participants immerse themselves in the world of "Herbert", which talks about democracy and the dangers of the rising extreme right parties for queer people today. They learn that contemporary dance pieces, like this one, do not necessarily follow a traditional storytelling. The artist juxtaposes different (movement) qualities, images and motifs in such a way that associations and emotions are awakened in the viewer. Moreover, the participants experience what the creative process of the collective looks like.
Dance Workshop
For adults and young people from approx. 14 years of age with or without dance experience, e.g. in (school) theater groups, dance and ballet schools as well as theater schools
The approximately 1,5h workshop begins with a guided warm-up. The collective then shares several tasks from the creative process of "Herbert" and let the participants try them out. This includes structured improvisations but also learning some actual movement material from the piece. There is time for questions and the sharing of theoretical content from the artistic research.
watching the performance
after talk
The follow-up discussion immediately after the performance is the place for all questions, realizations and a joint reflection.

The cost of attending a performance depends on the ticket prices of the local theater. The fee for booking educational activities at an institution vary. Often additional funding can be generated which makes the offer free of charge.
For adults of all ages. No prior knowledge about dance is needed. The lecture can happen e.g. in educational centers, libraries, universities and community centers.
Depending on the needs of the participants, the lecture can outline a brief or extended history of dance and contextualize the work of the collective within this bigger timeline. The speaking will be interrupted by short participatory exercises that can be executed sitting or with little effort standing. These interactions allow a deeper understanding of the working methods and tasks used while creating "Herbert".
watching the performance
after talk
The follow-up discussion will take place immediately after the performance. It is the space for questions, realizations and reflection.

photo Rainer Deutschmann
In 2022 the conceptualization and advertising of the educational activities of the collective were supported by the ministry of education, science and culture Schleswig-Holstein as well as the Dr. Hans Hoch foundation. Many workshops could take place, because they were supported with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR, aid program DIS-TANZEN by the federal association of dance in Germany.